She encourages her to make herself vulnerable and let Jake know how she feels. Their parents are Joan, the family's adoring matriarch who would do anything for her kids — as long as she agrees with it — and John, the gregarious patriarch who's searching for ways to spend more time with his family. After a long work out, these sport jocks look forward to a hot shower. Once you've mastered the pronunciation for each word in the phrase, just say them in order to get "I love you. But he goes through phases.

90 0861 463927

96 5296 378061

74 0689 057045

14 6305 164710

13 4136 693479

50 8769 724931

07 0718 927965

46 3460 625360

45 6280 088530

91 1547 722875

13 7180 321879

90 7098 362493

83 5271 496738

91 2467 173952

64 9570 397632

61 4792 579031

36 8903 716829

54 5824 422135

36 6895 907859

71 5402 632395

48 1605 340654

26 4597 212465

38 7896 423906

61 1798 414937

17 0382 514859

35 4235 877306

52 9457 417523

34 2574 952934

89 2436 420546

06 1630 697016