Being a single mama has so much responsibility he helped me in many ways co-signing to my apartment co-signing to get me a credit card with his credit. My recommendation is that you give up all hope of getting an apology from her, or getting her back, cut all contact with her and just try to move on. If you're a venue manager and would like your venue to be included in our events list, please email us with some basic details. A co-created design, a destiny plan, was set in motion just before the incarnation, spelling out what the couple promised to achieve. Instead of the standard age, occupation and photo profiles, Friendsy adds in other college-inspired filters like your major, your class year and so on. She wants to know what to know you like, what makes you tick, and how she will fit into your life with your friends and family. Finally, there's a handy alert section at the top notifying you of any relevant activity, ensuring you never miss a chance for interaction with another single.