Once your lips are touching, pass the fruit into your partner's mouth. First of all I would like to say superb blog! And there are some other interesting developments in this brave new world, including the fact that teens feel freer to put off sex, and they see love, marriage and kids as best left for the fairly distant future.

70 2036 511428

39 0863 802537

13 7534 035418

06 8947 717146

46 3584 152791

61 6531 147231

51 9308 571987

17 7342 505019

65 7806 677248

28 3894 124617

19 9724 936075

09 2461 924391

04 9763 269063

71 3891 273685

67 9185 817145

04 0512 855643

67 3187 389526

78 2438 758149

65 3428 204582

71 7628 024572

35 2931 245296

71 5612 819475

54 1978 521605

94 2635 652943

82 9831 296254

37 8091 616529

02 8134 204610

03 1873 175630

01 7120 484980

45 3510 911390