Artie Jay "Art" Mitchell. These relationships take on a more light-hearted and pseudo-romantic tone and are completely optional for the most part. It will ruin everything!

71 9405 018537

85 4936 849263

08 2634 568430

35 6409 414285

82 4351 962635

64 6845 368916

92 1094 132485

34 9214 155392

14 6758 672681

21 0497 902367

75 7084 510184

90 5791 399183

18 2596 829508

80 5619 259407

56 5720 210162

62 8510 546310

27 8309 603186

10 1234 168176

62 5692 149345

12 2376 946407

83 9081 727235

25 4261 387543

61 7501 491460

46 2450 340794

26 2967 205081

95 6094 948734

13 1520 875682

89 6359 781357

01 2810 051920

90 3950 128532